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Sometimes, in our novel, we need to transition forward or backwards in time.
It may be years, months, weeks, or only hours.
This presentation will discuss when and why to use time shifts in our work,
and provide methods to achieve those shifts with ease.
Filter words are distancing words that prevent our readers from connecting.
with our character and our story.
This presentation offers ways to remove the distance and make your writing more dynamic.
Learn how to identify what makes a critique group good, bad, or ugly.
Depending on the group and the time available, this presentation can be expanded to offer samples and insights into the “how” of giving a critique.
Active settings make your story come alive.
This presentation offers ways to use setting to create depth to your characters and the conflicts in your novel.
and more coming soon
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Reference Material for Active Settings
MaryBuckhamOnWriting - wake up your writing
6 Setting Examples: Effective Story Settings | Now Novel
Reference Material for Filter Words and More
298 Filler Words & Phrases That Rob Your Writing of Its Power
Overusing Adverbs
Jennifer Ellis - Writing
Filter words and phrases it's best to avoid in writing fiction
43 Words You Should Cut From Your Writing Immediately
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