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Wordbridge: Lethbridge Writers' Conference
                               April 13 - 14 2024


                                                   My itinerary

      Saturday, April 13th 9:30- 10:20 PRESENTATION “Active Setting”

       Saturday, April 13th 3:30-4:20 “Plotters versus Pantsers” panel

              Sunday, April 14th 12:30-1:20 “All About Conflict” panel

                                                          WWC Calgary Aug 4-6  2023

Friday 1 PM
Creating Magical Systems James Alan Gardner, Jenna Greene, Kevin Weir, Monica Zwikstra, Sandy Fitzpatrick Let’s explore the process of designing a magical system, the role of magic in world-building, and how magic can impact the narrative and characters of a story. Panellists also discuss the challenges they faced when creating their magical systems, including the need for consistency, avoiding plot holes, and balancing originality with familiarity. They will share their insights on how they researched and developed their magical systems, as well as the tools and resources they used to create a compelling and believable mythology.


Saturday 10 AM Fireside Calling New Writers Monica Zwikstra, Fonda Lee, Katie O'Connor, Jim Jackson If you are just getting started, bring your questions and receive sage advice from a panel of experienced authors.


Saturday 11 AM Parkland Real Medieval versus Fantasy Medieval Dave Worsick, Jennifer Landels, Monica Zwikstra, C.C. Humphreys This panel will explore the differences and similarities between the real historical period and the imaginative fantasy versions of it. Our panelists each have their own interpretations of medieval society, customs, and beliefs, as well as created their own myths, creatures and magical systems. Panelists will delve into the nuances of the real medieval period, examining topics such as feudalism, chivalry, religion and warfare as well as how these have been reimagined in the fantasy genre. Panelists will also discuss the challenges they face when creating medieval-inspired worlds, and how they researched and balanced historical accuracy with the need for creative freedom


Saturday 3 PMFireside Troubleshooting Your Manuscript Morgan Rhodes, Arlene Marks, Ella Beaumont, Vivian Zenari, Diane Terrana, Monica Zwikstra You only get one chance to make a good first impression. Before submitting that manuscript to a prospective agent or editor, make sure it's the best that it can be, using these revision, editing and proofreading tips from a panel of authors and editors.


Sunday 11 AMAcadia
Monica Zwikstra presents     Filter Words and More
What are filter words? And what should I do about them? Is there a proper place to use them? Learn how to spot those words and make your writing stronger


Sunday 1 PM – Parkland

Plotters and Pantsers and Points In-Between Morgan Rhodes, J.R. Violini, Monica Zwikstra, Erik D’Souza [PM] What’s your story planning style? Some writers like to dive into an opening scene and follow wherever the action takes them, while others won't even begin drafting until the entire plot arc is nailed down. A panel of authors discuss the pros and cons, perks and problems of the full range of storytelling techniques.

 Dec 19th 2019   I will be at the "Windsor Heritage Center" for an evening of wine and cheese, and book sales   

 Nov 30 2019 I will be  at the Elk's Hall for "Christmas in the Mountain"  in the Crowsnest Pass 

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Sept 21  I will be at Word on the Street in Lethbridge. I will be selling  my book in the tent for independent authors.
You can learn more about Word on the Street  in Lethbridge  here:

word on the street 2019 monica (3)_edite

Aug 9 - 11th  I will be at  When Words Collide, a festival for readers and writers, in Calgary Alberta. 

I will be co hosting a workshop on "Critiquing 101: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly."  

I will also be sitting on two panels. 
And my books will be for sale in the merchants corner.

You can learn more about

When Words Collide  here:

wwc 2019.jpg

Aug 2 - 5th I will be one of  many writers  participating in the  Author Events at the 

 2019 Crowsnest Pass Doors Open & Heritage Festival  

Events include readings,  signing and book sales.

More information will be available here:

and here:

open doors heritage 2019 1.jpg
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